How A Simple Morning Ritual Can Lead to Happier Homeschool Days
Feeling not-so-rested, I roll over and nervously take a peek at the alarm clock. 7:02. Yikes! How in the world did I let myself sleep so late, AGAIN?! My main motivation to get out of bed is an anxiety-induced jolt of adrenaline.
The same frantic thoughts begin racing through my head.
The kids will be up any minute! There’s so much to get done today. Am I even going to have time to shower?!
Before the day has even begun, I feel defeated and it feels more like life has been living me than the much preferred opposite.
Can I be honest?
As a home school mom of two energetic kiddos, I sometimes struggle with waking up early. Sure, popping out of bed early to enjoy the peaceful stillness of the day that only the early morning hours can bring is the ultimate goal.
But I’m tired. I mean exhausted from the perpetual motion of my day. And, as a homeschool mom, when I wake up just before the kids, it’s not unusual for it to feel like I’m stepping out of bed and onto a moving sidewalk if the kids are waking up simultaneously.
From that first sweet hug in the morning, followed shortly by breakfast for all and then immediately thrust into the vortex of the rest of the day.
Morning turns into day turns into night when I finally get the sweet relief I’m craving. One last round of kisses and hugs inevitably followed another round of deep thoughts and stories as one final attempt to dodge bedtime…a final tuck-in before I melt into my glorious bed and fall into a deep sleep.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
As I scrambled to make those eggs and guzzle my coffee, a thought stopped me in my tracks.
Is this a healthy way to be living? For me? For my beautiful family?
It’s been said that “more is caught than taught.” So, what am I teaching my kids about life? Motherhood? About living the slower, more intentional life we all crave?
Uh-oh. That gut check was for real. Living my life in a constant state of a fight or flight response mode was teaching my kids something… but peaceful and intentional living was not one of them.
As the matriarch of our family, I set the tone of our household. It’s a major privilege and a major responsibility.
I needed to do better.
And there it was. The motivation I had been looking for to become a morning person. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed….or not.
My ritual would technically begin the night before when I would lovingly prepare my morning for myself. I’d set my coffee maker to start brewing as soon as my alarm goes off (just in case I needed the extra motivation to get out of bed), set a glass of water next to my bible on the side table next to my couch with the comfy blanket. My journal and yoga mat were there too. My faithful companions alongside me in the journey to a better me.
Along the way, I discovered something amazing.
I felt like I was taking better care of myself. And that small act of love towards myself was an even bigger one for my family. Dare I say that I even felt like I was one step closer to being that elusive Proverbs 31 woman I had always wanted to be?
Proverbs 31:15 She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family.
While I don’t *technically* spend my morning time cooking for my family, I have adopted a routine that allows me to be more peaceful, calm, and more intentional with my mornings and it spills into the rest of the day.
That’s why I’ve found it so important to start my day with a morning ritual. It’s proven time and time again to help me ease into my day feeling less stressed, more organized, and ready to tackle whatever the day throws at me!
Here are some ways a morning ritual can change your life too.
- A morning ritual helps you identify priorities and organize your time accordingly. Waking up a little earlier to dedicate a set amount of time to certain tasks helps to ensure important things get done before the chaos of the day sets in. This includes anything from exercise to quiet time to planning out your day. Starting your day with intention will help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
- A morning ritual sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you begin your day feeling frazzled and rushed, you’ll likely carry that feeling with you as the day progresses. However, if you start your day with a sense of calm and purpose, you’ll be more likely to approach challenges with a positive attitude. This can lead to increased productivity, better relationships, and an overall happier outlook on life.
- A morning ritual is a form of self-care. By making yourself a priority, you’ll set yourself up for a more successful and fulfilling day. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, or practicing yoga, make sure to carve out time for the things that bring you joy and peace.
A morning ritual may take some time to get used to, but the benefits are well worth the effort. By starting your day with intention, you can create a more peaceful and productive life for yourself and your family.